Lead Service Provider

Trish Maisonville

At some point in the middle of my 25+ career planning major events, I decided to get some extra education and transition my hobby (anything numbers related) to a future gig.  Some people can paint, I like to create special reports & graphs.  On learning of this interest, the Principals of the Royal Centre Dental Group asked me to take on their books.

Over the last 15 years, ‘doing their books’ morphed into managing payroll, suppliers, supply orders, accounts payable, digital form development, remote call centre and IT support.

In late 2018, RCDG joined the dentalcorp family of 400+ Canadian dental practices and I’ve since mastered all of their Apps and adapted my work to meet the new needs of this partnership.  In mid 2019, we added Kits Point Dental Group to the practices for which I provide remote admin support and so here we are, ready to find out how we can support more practice owners to meet and exceed their goals.